Hannah Leonard is the outreach coordinator for Sporting Lead-Free, a collaborative initiative to nationally reduce lead consumed inadvertently by wildlife and people. Hannah is an avid fly fisher and hunter. Her personal encounter with a leaded golden eagle ignited her desire to educate others in the use of non-lead alternatives not only for the benefit of wildlife and human health, but for the continuation of our hunting heritage.
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
7:45 Hannah’s new puppy
11:15 Meet Hannah Leonard
14:00 Start in hunting
26:00 Shotgun patterning
27:00 Hannah’s ‘why’ to choosing non-lead
34:00 Education is key
37:00 Non-toxic options
38:00 Federally mandated in waterfowl
40:00 Lead danger with Game birds
45:45 Lead fragments in game meat
51:30 Why is lead still allowed
56:00 Making the decision to change
59:00 Talking to Dad about lead
1:02:45 Cost of non-lead options
1:04:00 Shooting demos
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