The Bird Dog Babe

Courtney Bastian
A trailblazer in upland hunting and conservation, Courtney is the Founder and Executive Director of HerUpland. Born and raised in Wisconsin and now thriving in Montana, Courtney’s journey is one marked by passion, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to empowering women and youth. Through HerUpland, she seeks to dismantle the barriers that deter participation in upland hunting, bird dog training, and conservation, providing affordable, educational opportunities that foster competence, confidence, and success in solo hunting.
Courtney’s life is a testament to her deep-rooted love for bird dogs and upland hunting. Married to William Bastian, a professional gun dog trainer of Claddagh Kennel, and mother to two wonderful children, her life revolves around her family and her fervent passion for wingshooting. With over two decades of experience with German Wirehaired Pointers and eight years with Bracco Italiano, she and William have achieved remarkable success in the field. Their accolades include breeding, owning, and training 10 NAVHDA Versatile Champions, 30 NAVHDA Utility Prize Holders, 35 AKC Show Champions, 17 AKC Senior Hunters, 10 AKC Master Hunters, and a groundbreaking AKC Dual Champion/NAVHDA Versatile Champion.
Before embarking on her journey with HerUpland, Courtney honed her expertise as a Veterinary Technician specializing in canine reproduction and rehab, and sports conditioning for a decade. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and Animal Science from the University of Wisconsin and is currently advancing her education with an MBA focusing on Management and Marketing. In her professional role as a Consultant and Elite Ambassador for Purina Pro Plan, Courtney travels nationwide, engaging with communities that share her passion for bird dogs and upland hunting.
An avid volunteer and leader, Courtney has held several key positions with The German Wirehaired Pointer Club of America and The Bracco Italiano Club of America. Her dedication to the upland hunting community extends through her active involvement with NAVHDA, the National Wild Turkey Federation, Ruffed Grouse Society, Pheasants and Quail Forever, Ducks Unlimited, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Chukar Chasers Foundation, and her certification with 2% for Conservation.
Courtney Bastian is not just a visionary in the upland hunting world; she is a pillar of inspiration, striving to make the great outdoors accessible and inclusive for all, one hunt at a time.

Breeding and Raising
Bird Dogs
Conservation, Clubs & Organizations