Episode 018: The Beauty of Hunting Alaska w/ Christine Cunningham

The Bird Dog Babe
The Bird Dog Babe
Episode 018: The Beauty of Hunting Alaska w/ Christine Cunningham

Christine Cunningham won an upland gun at a fundraiser, then decided she needed a bird dog. She engulfed herself in the full hunting experience in a short time. She has a deep appreciation of hunting traditions and taking in the holistic experience that surrounds it. Christine walks us through a typical day of ptarmigan hunting in Alaska, what to expect, and how to prepare.

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6:30 How Christine got started

8:00 Duck hunting

13:10Transition to Upland hunting

14:15 First bird dog

15:40 Learning more about gamebirds and hunting

16:40 Ptarmigan

17:20 Current string of bird dogs

18:30 Raising puppies on wild birds

23:20 Big running dogs for White-tailed Ptarmigan

25:45 Beauty of upland hunting

28:30 Hunting less pressured birds

30:00 What a day of ptarmigan hunting looks like

32:15 Alaskan game bird species

32:00 Best time to bird hunt in Alaska

32:45 Challenging birds to hunt

33:50 King of upland

35:10 Bucket list hunt

36:00 Big game hunting

37:00 Youth and Women Hunts

39:45 Inspiring women to give hunting a try

41:10 Transition to big game hunting

42:00 Respect and values of hunting

44:30 Women Hunting Alaska

46:30 Columnist for Anchorage Daily News

47:30 Christine’s latest work Traverse Journal

50:00 Exciting hunt planned for the year

50:30 Christine’s Shotgun

51:30 Fashion vs Function

53:45 What’s in your vest

55:10 Favorite game bird recipe

55:30 Favorite big game

57:00 Lab of the family