Cortney Schaefer is the breed warden and director of testing for Deutsch Langhaar GNA and a JGHV Performance Judge. Cortney discusses how the standardized testing allows only those dogs that prove natural ability and trainability are allowed to contribute to the future of the breed. Through examination and performance evaluation, breeders are able to consistently produce dogs suitable for versatile hunt ability.
5:00 Cortney’s story on how she got started in hunting
7:20 Start in bird dogs
11:00 First Deutsch Langhaar Puppy that changed her life
14:30 Why do DL’s have tails?
17:50 Being a breed warden
23:45 Mentorship available in DL-GNA
24:50 Utilizing genetics across seas
27:20 DL arriving in the US
30:20 German Testing System
35:50 VJP – Spring Test
37:50 HZP – Fall Test
51:30 VGP – Finished Dog Test
57:40 Temperament evals
1:02 DL Breed characteristics
1:11:35 Currently chasing after
1:15:45 Ideal owner for a DL
1:19:30 Commitment for new owners
1:21:30 Training resources
1:24:00 Benefits to buying a puppy from a DL GNA Breeder
1:26:30 Educating and Connecting DL Breeders and Owners
1:30:00 Timing and testing
1:33:00 Average cost of a DL pup
1:37:35 DL Versatile Champion
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