Aberdeen, SD is the mecca of pheasant hunting in North America and the community goes above and beyond to help make non-resident hunters feel welcomed. Between their hospitality, the number of local land open to public hunting and the abundant pheasant numbers, you will find a trip to Aberdeen for your next hunt a very enjoyable experience!
5:30 Aberdeen, SD Welcome
7:12 Pheasant hotspot of North America
8:30 Weather conditions affecting bird numbers
10:20 Aberdeen Pheasant Coalition
21:40 Aberdeen’s resources for the DIY hunter
29:40 Best time of the year to pheasant hunt in SD
37:50 Bearded Dogs
42:30 Take the photo
45:30 Hunting in groups
48:50 Casey’s start to hunting
53:50 Line hunting
56:45 Covid effects
59:50 South Dakota hunting license options
1:08 Casey’s favorite pheasant recipe
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