Lee Kjos… some of you may know him as a professional photographer of Kjos Outdoors, as a legendary duck hunter, or one of the owners of Boss Shotshells. I know him as a man who is truly authentic, genuine, speaks truth and is one of the most passionate sportsman I have ever had the chance to talk with. He is dedicated to education and conservation and if ever you’ve had a chance to turn off everything else and tune in to something good for an hour and a half, let this be it. We as hunters and conservationists owe this to the birds, our lands, and to our grandkids. We can do better, we MUST do better.
4:50 Lee Kjos’ story
9:50 Start in bird dogs
13:40 Start of Boss
15:40 Direct to consumer, for the consumer, educating the consumer
19:00 Boss narratives
20:00 Crippling birds
25:55 Patterning your shotgun
35:00 Copper-plated bismuth
42:45 Non-tox in the uplands
49:00 How bismuth performs in relation to lead
52:30 Difference between 3” and 2 ¾”
56:30 Great product, great price, conservative packaging
59:10 Stamp It Forward “Cases for Conservation”
1:05 Being a better conservative outdoorsman
1:11:50 BossMan narrative and Recoil
1:18:00 Moms are the key
1:24:20 Shooting sports
1:27:40 Boss news
1:30:00 Made in the USA
1:30:20 www.bossshotshells.com
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Dakota283 Kennels (use promo code birddogbabe for 10% discount)
Xcel Shooting Sports – free gun slip ($90 value) with purchase of select shotguns
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