Episode 047: The WON-The Resource For All Things Women Outdoors w/Barbara Baird

The Bird Dog Babe
The Bird Dog Babe
Episode 047: The WON-The Resource For All Things Women Outdoors w/Barbara Baird

Barbara Baird is the publisher of the Women’s Outdoor News, also known as The WON. The WON is a one stop shop for resources, news, stories and reviews for everything regarding women outdoors. From shooting tips to guns and gear, hunting, fishing, archery, birding, survival and even how to pee in the woods. If you want to know about it, Barbara and her team at The WON have it covered!


4:00 Meet Barbara from The Won

9:10 About The Won

12:18 Barbara’s background

17:28 The Won content

18:25 The Won Resource Page

20:45 All things women outdoors, not just hunting and shooting

24:15 Gear reviews

28:35 Rising trend of women in the outdoors

35:00 Media hunts

37:10 Shotgun/shooting clinics

38:55 Syren shotguns

41:29 Most popular topics women are searching for

43:39 How to pee in the woods

46:45 New content and stories

48:15 #wonphoto

50:05 Barbara’s books in the works

54:38 What’s new at The Won


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Dakota283 Kennels (promo code birddogbabe for 10% discount)

Syren: Shotguns for Women

BigFrig: Coolers, Tumblers and Dry Boxes for Your Way of Life

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