Ashley Peters is the Director of Communications and Marketing for the Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society. She’s a conservationist, newer hunter and carries some deep envy for anyone that owns a bird dog. We discuss the current state of Ruffed Grouse, American Woodcock and forest habitat. Along with the importance and best approach of mentoring, hunting essentials on a budget, and more!
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
7:15 Living in Minnesota
9:50 Growing up with conservation mindset
12:30 Bird Nerd Enthusiasts Unite
15:00 Getting started in hunting
25:45 Bird dog dreamin’
31:00 Role at Ruffed Grouse Society
36:10 Importance of public lands and forest management
38:45 Current state of Ruffed Grouse and Woodcock
41:15 West Nile Virus in Ruffed Grouse
42:30 Success of The Great American Outdoors Act
44:00 Restoring Americas Wildlife Act
45:00 Replant Act
46:00 Wildfire forest management
48:30 Who are RGS members
51:10 How to become a member
53:50 What can we do to help
57:30 Montana Grouse
1:02:30 Mentoring
1:05:50 Essentials to hunt on a budget
1:13:50 Favorite gamebird recipe
Connect with Ashley:
Instagram and Twitter: @grouselady
Facebook: Ashley J Peters
Thank you to our Partners:
Dakota283 Kennels (promo code birddogbabe for 10% discount)
BigFrig: Coolers, Tumblers and Dry Boxes for Your Way of Life
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