Today we are talking all things NAVHDA Utility and Utility Prep Testing withAngie Coenen and Dan Wittman. The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association is a nonprofit organization devoted to promoting and improving the versatile hunting dog. The UT and UPT tests are divided into three segments: field, water, and physical attributes and hunting assessments. In this episode we dive into all parts of the tests, give some training and handling tips, as well as a breakdown of what you’ll need to be prepared on test day.
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
5:50 Angie Coenen Intro
6:40 Dan Wittman Intro
8:15 2022 New Mexico Invitational grounds
10:50 2021 Invitational Update
12:40 What does the Utility Test and Utility Prep Test prove
23:30 What to expect in a typical UT test day
26:30 Field Search
36:00 Talking to dog during the test
44:30 Drag
1:01:00 Duck Search
1:28:15 Heeling Stakes
1:38:00 Steady by Blind
1:41:40 Whining in the blind
1:46:50 Physical attributes
1:47:50 Temperament Eval
1:55:20 When to consider retesting
1:58:25 What should handlers bring to the test
2:01:05 Handler’s shotgun
2:05:00 NAVHDA Apprentice Program
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