Angie Coenen is back and she’s joined with Tracy Harmeyer to walk us through all the aspects of the Invitational. The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association is a nonprofit organization devoted to promoting and improving the versatile hunting dog. The Invitational is NAVHDA’s premier hunt test, held annually in September. In addition to a full overview of the test, Angie and Tracy share some excellent training advice and tips throughout that you won’t want to miss.
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
6:53 Tracy Harmeyer
9:03 Angie Coenen
10:44 Invitational Update
15:39 Eligibility
19:30 Number of qualifying dogs that run in Invitational
19:56 What does the Invitational prove
23:00 Bitches in season
25:20 Training on test grounds
27:45 Photographers
28:40 What to bring to the test
33:06 Typical day of the Invitational
37:15 Field Portion
1:09:00 Double Mark
1:27:00 Blind Retrieve
1:49:30 Honor By Blind
1:58:00 Too much training
2:03:15 Which portion do most dogs fail
2:03:40 Which areas do dogs need maximum score
2:05:00 Why is the Invitational a Pass/Fail
2:07:40 Invitational Handlers Clinic
2:13:30 Thank You NAVHDA Sponsors
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