Jeff Lemmenes, aka Lumpy of Lumpy’s Kennel is one of the best trainers and humans you’ll meet. Jeff has trained nearly any type of working dog you can imagine.. pointing breeds, flushers, retrievers, hounds, terriers, you name it. If there’s game to be harvested with some dog work, Jeff has most likely trained dogs for it. He has recently focused his breeding program and personal hunting dogs with Spinone and Bracco Italiano. And with so many of you requesting an episode about the Bracco, you will surely love this one. There’s a lot of great advice in this episode and some real hard belly laughs.
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
4:30 Meet Jeff ‘Lumpy’ Lemmenes
6:00 Getting started in bird dogs
8:25 Start in competing
9:15 Different testing venues
12:30 Training all sorts of working dogs
16:30 Hunting it all
18:40 Foundations for all working dogs
22:50 Ideal age for puppy training
25:00 Dog’s first hunting season
26:30 Shooting birds that dogs don’t properly handle
32:15 Love/Hate relationship with special dogs
33:45 Italian invasion
40:30 When it’s time to grab the fishing pole
42:30 Retrieve training the Italians
47:00 Training the Italians to back
56:00 Helping young dog overcome hesitation with water entry
1:05:00 Revisiting the honor
1:08:10 Involving kids in a career of dog training and hunting
1:13:45 Favorite wild game recipe
Connect with Jeff
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Dakota283 Kennels (promo code birddogbabe for 10% discount)
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