Retrievers, Spaniels and Pointers.. so many breeds to choose from! William and Courtney Bastian breakdown all of the different aspects to consider when trying to decide on your next bird dog breed.
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
10:00 Pointer or a Flusher
15:00 Built for a specialized purpose
18:30 Considerations of different hunting terrains and habitat
23:30 Considerations of bird species
28:00 Coat considerations
30:00 Going for looks
32:15 Personality and lifestyle considerations
35:45 Trainability considerations
40:15 Male vs Female
42:30 Climate considerations
44:00 Not all dogs are created equal
44:50 Bird Dog eAcademy update
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Dakota283 Kennels (promo code birddogbabe for 10% discount)
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