Nancy Anisfield is a bird hunter for over 20 years with German Shorthaired Pointers that has hunted in over a dozen stats plus Canadana and Argentina. She’s a full-time outdoorwriter specializing in wingshooting and hunting dogs. Nancy explains the 5 stages of being a bird dog owner, as it relates to the 5 stages of being a hunter. She is a wealth of knowledge after 17 years of experience training and testing in NAVHDA.
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
6:45 Meet Nancy
Pheasants Forever & Quail Forever
15:15 Training with your husband for the Invitational
17:35 Breed loyalty
22:25 Improving dogs through the years
23:45 Breed splits
30:05 Coveyrise Article ‘The 5 Stages In The Evolution of a Bird Dog Owner’
31:35 Stage 1 – The Discovery Stage
34:55 Stage 2 – The Proving Stage
36:30 Stage 3 – The Finishing Stage
42:00 Stage 4 – The Method Stage
46:15 Stage 5 – The Partnership Stage
53:05 Skipping stages
53:15 Favorite wild game recipe
Steak Diane Recipe
Connect with Nancy
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Dakota283 Kennels (promo code birddogbabe for 10% discount)
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