Jen Amundsen is an attorney and principal at Amundsen Law Firm in Monona, WI. Jen brings her many years of legal experience to all matters affecting you, your companion animals and any related businesses. The Dog Savvy Lawyer discusses common contract disputes, protecting yourself as a breeder, red flags to be aware of in puppy contracts, health guarantees, microchipping, estate planning, and much more!
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
7:45 Meet Jen
9:05 Canine and Equine Practice
10:35 Clumber Spaniels
14:30 Hunting and testing with Clumbers
17:15 Most common contract disputes
11:40 Contracts with friends
20:00 Protecting yourself as the Breeder
28:45 How canine registry disputes are handled
32:15 Puppy owner contract expectations
40:00 Contract red flags
44:30 Health guarantee
53:00 Microchipping
58:55 Guardian contract
1:45:00 Estate planning
1:03:15 Puppy packet info
1:10:15 Unexpected litters
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