Alex Brittingham of ‘One Shot Retrievers’ has trained and tested many Retrievers through Senior and Master Hunter AKC hunt tests. But when it comes down to choose which dog she wants next to her in the blind and on her bed, she prefers the power, determination and pure grit that’s jam packed into the short legs and little body of a Jack Russell Terrier named Gator!
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
4:30 Meet Alex
6:00 ‘One Shot Lou’
8:15 Growing up hunting
11:00 JRT & Lab duo
13:30 Hunting with JRT’s
14:20 From hobby to profession
17:25 First hunt test jitters
21:00 Learning by videos
Art and Science of Handling A Retriever
25:00 Dogs reverting back to old behaviors
28:30 Alex’s current string
29:00 Acquiring Gator the Duck Dog
34:30 Training ‘off breeds’
39:00 Enjoyment of watching a dog work
42:00 Formal training with Gator
45:00 Terriers and water
48:30 Vocal in the blind
50:20 Master repetition training before hunting to prevent bad habits
1:02:55 Hunting vs Training
1:06:00 Duck addict
1:09:00 Crane hunting
1:11:00 Crane and Duck recipes
1:14:20 Tips for scouting ducks
1:17:00 Gear
1:18:45 Connect with Alex
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