Bridget Nielsen is a professional trainer for all versatile pointing breeds, and is a breeder, owner, trainer and handler of some of the top Vizslas in the country. She expects the Vizsla to have natural pointing instinct, a natural desire to retrieve, and a love of water. Bridget tested three dogs at the NAVHDA Invitational last month, and discusses her journey with those great dogs!
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
10:30 Bridget’s training and hunting plans
13:50 Wall Canyon Vizslas
18:40 Strengths of a Vizsla
2040 Different lines of Vizsla
23:45 Looking beyond a dog’s titles
27:15 Priorities when breeding versatile Vizslas
29:40 Considerations of NAVHDA titles
31:45 Are some dogs not cutout for testing
38:15 Running 3 Invitational dogs
40:35 Preparing for and running in the Invitational
44:15 Benefits and Rewards of Volunteering
50:25 The emotions in testing
56:43 Sharptailed Grouse and Fall Hunting
1:04:15 Bridge’s bucket list hunt
1:05:15 Gamebird recipes
1:09:25 Appreciating the ranchers and sage grouse habitat
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