Zsofia Miczek is the breeder of the World known Zoldmali Wirehaired Vizslas. She is an FCI judge and arguably the most accomplished female dog trainer in Hungary. We discuss her journey in the breed for the past 22 years, training, hunting and testing her dogs in several different countries, breed characteristics and the growing popularity of Wirehaired Vizlas.
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
6:15 Meet Zsofi
7:00 Start in bird dogs
17:30 Testing dogs in Hungary, Germany, US
21:40 Hunting, training and testing with a baby
24:45 Bringing dogs to the US for NAVHDA testing
30:00 Versatile Hungarian Wirehaired Vislas
35:40 Training and testing in the US
38:50 Zoldmali NAVHDA VC’s
44:35 AKC recognition
50:20 Size of male vs female
53:50 Temperament
1:03:15 Coat
1:07:40 Field and Trainability
1:20:00 Duck Search
1:26:00 Health considerations
1:30:00 Popularity concerns
1:33:50 Importing
1:35:30 Breeding dog with proven field ability
1:41:00 Wirehaired Dachshunds
1:42:00 Slovakian Wirehair
Connect with Zsofi
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