Tamara Champagne has trained dogs for over 20 years for obedience, protection work, tracking, scent detection, IGP, conformation and service dogs.. and six months ago she got her first bird dog, a German Shorthaired Pointer. Her commitment to allowing her dogs to do what they were bred to do, has got her diving deep into the bird dog World! Tamara recently published ‘Training With A Purpose Journal’ to help dog trainers and owners outline and follow their goals.
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
5:45 Meet Tamara
8:28 First bird dog and hunt testing experiences
9:23 GSP’s
12:08 NAVHDA experience
17:13 Adult-onset hunter
21:08 Training dogs to do it all
25:08 Tamara’s crew
26:58 Canine Development and Testing
29:03 Training with a Purpose Journal
33:48 Dream, Plan, Train, Succeed
43:08 Writing goals
45:23 SMART
45:08 Celebrating your success
52:08 Review
Canine Development and Testing
Buy ‘Training with a Purpose Journal’
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