Jaelee Schwartz is the owner of Green Gable Gundogs and winner of the 2021 US Open Cocker National Championship. She has been training and competing with Spaniels since she was 8 years old alongside her father, Jeff Schwartz, a professional trainer at Rock River Kennels. Jaelee placed in her first licensed AKC Springer trial at 10 years old, and now a professional trainer herself, is the youngest person to win the Open National Cocker Championship. Despite all of Jaelee’s accomplishments, she claims failng was a big part of her journey. She believes anything is possible with hard work and dedication.
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
12:45 Horicon Marsh
13:15 2021 US National Cocker Championship
14:45 Ike, the Champ
16:30 Trialing and Testing
17:30 Springers to Cockers
20:00 Growing up raising puppies, training and traveling
23:00 Starting a training business
24:00 Growing up in the business
27:25 Accomplishments as a kiddo
31:00 Training professionally
34:15 Relationship with each dog
34:55 Placeboard training
37:00 Teaching steadiness with cheeseballs
40:15 Overcoming obstacles
46:00 Early characteristics of the National Field Champion
47:45 What it takes to get to the National
48:10 Requirements at the National
53:00 Ike’s National Run
56:50 The Moment
1:02:10 Ike’s future
53:00 Importance of pedigree
1:05:20 Hunt tests
1:08:10 Evaluating puppies
1:12:00 Finding a breeder
1:13:15 Cocker Health Clearances
1:17:00 Fieldcockers.com
1:17:40 Favorite piece of gear
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