Kat Pippitt leads a busy, yet organized schedule while she and her husband Ethan, continue to growth their business, raise toddlers and focus on personal health. As we kick off the new year, we consider what we have planned for our resolutions. Research shows that 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail within the first month. Kat explains how making goals, rather than resolutions, with an action plan that is specific, measurable and time-bound are more attainable.
The Bird Dog Babe Podcast is Presented By:
4:30 Meet Kat
6:45 Resolutions vs Goals
9:00 Writing down goals
11:30 Make it special and fun
15:05 Making weekly goals and task list
16:30 Reward your progress
17:35 Tonal
24:20 Breaking down categories
25:30 Kat’s typical day
28:15 Cellphone, a necessary distraction
30:30 Reading more
Kat’s currently reading:
35:30 Keep learning
36:00 Reading and meditation
36:40 Cold showers
39:00 Raising puppies
43:15 YAWA
46:00 Outlander
48:15 Podcasts
51:30 A few of Kat’s top goals for the year
Connect with Kat
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